Member Forums and Other Networking OpportunitiesWESF provides a platform for members to network with their counterparts across industry sectors to share insights on business challenges, priorities, and technological advancements. Through our Membership Forums, events, and programs, WESF's vast community of standardization experts comprises a federation of members with the diverse knowledge and power to address emerging standardization needs in every industry.In the global arena, WESF offers mem···
Guidance and PartnershipWESF can serve as your ally in navigating domestic and international standards and conformance issues, maneuvering through national and regional agencies, and overcoming market-access challenges. For example, WESF regional and international trade and development programs provide knowledge, leadership, direction, and engagement opportunities for member companies doing business in key growth regions. And WESF Standardization Collaboratives coordinate the broad standardization intelligence and expertise needed to help move emerging industries ···
WESF Membership benefits include:■ Access to engagement and partnership across the standards community■ Opportunities to influence U.S. and WESF positions and policies■ Access to market int···