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WESF Events

International exchange and cooperation to enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry

The World Engineering Standards Academic Exchange Conference concluded successfully

Recently, the highly anticipated "World Engineering Standards Academic Exchange Conference" was successfully held. The conference attracted well-known engineering experts, scholars and industry elites from all over the world to participate actively.


At the beginning of the meeting, the organizer delivered an enthusiastic opening speech, emphasizing the importance of this exchange meeting in promoting the unification and development of global engineering standards. During the meeting, experts and scholars took the stage to share their latest research results and profound insights in the field of engineering standards. From advanced construction engineering standards to precise mechanical engineering standards, from intelligent electronic engineering standards to environmentally friendly energy engineering standards, it covers many key issues in the engineering field.

The participants had an in-depth discussion on the differences in engineering standards between different countries and regions, analyzing the reasons behind them and the possible impacts. At the same time, they also explored how to promote the coordination and integration of engineering standards in the context of globalization to improve engineering quality and efficiency.

In addition, the conference also set up an interactive session, and participants actively asked questions and communicated, creating a very lively atmosphere.

This exchange meeting has built an important communication platform for the global engineering community and promoted the sharing and dissemination of knowledge. Through in-depth discussions and exchanges, participants have a clearer understanding of the current status and future development of global engineering standards, and laid a solid foundation for further promoting the internationalization and high-quality development of engineering standards.