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The World Engineering Standards Federation successfully held a special lecture on engineering industry standards management


On August 18, 2023 , the World Engineering Standards Federation successfully held a special lecture on engineering industry standards management. The lecture attracted the participation of many industry experts and relevant enterprise representatives.

Many experts and scholars were invited to this lecture to introduce the latest developments and development trends in standard management in the engineering industry at home and abroad. Well-known companies in the industry were also invited to share their practical experience in standard management. Through actual case analysis, the participants' understanding and knowledge of standard management was deepened.

Invited experts and enterprise representatives gave in-depth explanations on the importance, current status and development trends of standard management in the engineering industry, and elaborated on the application and impact of standard management in engineering projects through actual case analysis.

During the lecture, the participants actively interacted with the experts. They had a heated discussion on the problems and solutions in the standard management of the engineering industry, and shared their experiences and opinions. Through the interaction with the experts, the participants had a deeper understanding of standard management.

The successful holding of this lecture provided an important communication platform for the field of engineering industry standard management. At the same time, it also further promoted the development of engineering industry standard management and improved the management level and market competitiveness of related enterprises.

The World Engineering Standards Federation will continue to pay attention to the latest developments in engineering industry standards management and contribute more to the development of the industry.