WESF plays a role in promoting standardization and eliminating global trade barriers.

WESF Events

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Research on cutting-edge topics in the engineering standards industry has started


Recently, the World Engineering Standards Federation has launched a series of cutting-edge research projects, covering digital and intelligent standards, green and sustainable standards, emerging technology standards and other fields. The research projects reflect some cutting-edge trends and key areas in the current engineering standards industry, and are of great significance to promoting the development and innovation of the industry. The research projects cover: 

  1. Digital and intelligent standards: Research on how to use digital technology and intelligent means to formulate and apply engineering standards and improve the efficiency and accuracy of standards.

  2.  Green and sustainable standards: Explore the formulation of engineering standards that meet the requirements of sustainable development, including standards for energy conservation and emission reduction, resource recycling, and environmental protection.

  3. Emerging technology standards: Research related engineering standards for emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things to ensure the safe and reliable application of these technologies in engineering.

  4.  Modular and prefabricated standards: Research standards for modular and prefabricated construction methods to improve the efficiency and quality of engineering construction.

  5.  Cross-border engineering standards coordination: Focus on the coordination and unification of international engineering standards to promote the smooth implementation of cross-border engineering projects.

  6. Risk management and safety standards: Research risk assessment and management standards in engineering projects, as well as the formulation and updating of safety standards.

These studies are aimed at promoting industry innovation, improving engineering quality, and promoting sustainable development.Experts will discuss in depth key issues such as the balance between standards and innovation, social responsibility and ethical standards, and provide guidance for industry development.