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On October 17, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) brought together members of the consortia community for a roundtable discussion on the cross-cutting challenges and opportunities facing the full spectrum of standards setting organizations, and how ANSI can best support the work of consortia amid the current global standards environment.
The roundtable included discussions of the U.S. government policy environment as it relates to global standards, and how shifting dynamics are impacting all types of standards setting organizations, from consortia and emerging communities of open collaboration to formal consensus bodies.
Among other outcomes, consortia representatives and ANSI leaders explored how ANSI can better support consortia participation in international standards environments, offering guidance and information to create smoother channels for involvement. ANSI’s senior vice president of international policy Joe Tretler noted that “ANSI is always happy to help individuals navigate the complex system.”
Participants also noted that guidance on practical matters, such as process-related best practices, could be particularly beneficial to consortia, especially as they are first standing up.
Attendees also discussed the value of educating the public sector on the intricacies of the standards system and its role in supporting U.S. industry’s ability to participate in global markets. In particular, there was agreement on the importance of advance education to head off issues.
It was agreed that increased engagement and communication between ANSI and the consortia community would be beneficial. As ANSI brings members of the standardization community together for the next update to the United States Standards Strategy (USSS) in 2025, consortia were encouraged to play an active role in contributing to the revision process.
“ANSI is a staunch advocate for the multiple path approach to standards, and we recognize the great value that consortia bring to U.S. and international standards activities,” said ANSI senior vice president and chief operating officer Fran Schrotter. “This roundtable is just one part of an ongoing relationship that will serve to support the diverse landscape of standards setting organizations in the U.S., and the important work that they do to advance global technology solutions.”