WESF plays a role in promoting standardization and eliminating global trade barriers.


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Be a Safety Champion: Join ANSI's Consumer Safety Central Webinar


Find out about how consumers can make a difference in standards development in the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) free Consumer Safety Central Webinar on January 9, 2025, at 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET.

The webinar is part of a series of Consumer Safety Central webinars held by ANSI to bring awareness to the importance of standards development, the need for consumer participants, and ways to get involved. Webinars in the series feature the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s consumer ombudsman Jonathan Midgett and ANSI’s consumer outreach manager Cleo Stamatos.

Register for the January Consumer Safety Central webinar, to be held via Zoom, on ANSI’s event page.

ANSI’s consumer webinars are relevant to consumers including:

  • Individual members of the general public purchasing or using property, products, or services for private purpose

  • Consumer studies and other related departments at universities

  • Consumer advocacy organizations active in consumer protection

  • Nonprofit public-interest organizations

Future webinars in the series will be scheduled throughout 2025.