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WFEO Committee on Water releases the report “Engineering, Water and Food Nexus”


Following the four thematic papers published since 2019, the Standing Technical Committee on Water (CW) of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), chaired by Ignacio González-Castelao Martínez-Peñuela from the Spanish Institute of Engineering (IIE), has now presented the book “Engineering, Water and Food Nexus” (available here).

This book, coordinated by the Vice-Chair of the CW, Armando Silva Afonso, and co-coordinated by José Manuel Gonçalves, both from the Portuguese Order of Engineers (OEP), had the generous collaboration of 33 specialists from 10 countries.

The main chapters of the book cover the topics:

  • Climate Change and Food Security,

  • Irrigation Engineering and Food Production,

  • Water and Food Industries,

  • Vulnerable Groups and

  • Sustainability of Water Use Systems, including numerous case studies in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

The WFEO Committee on Water hopes that this book can contribute to a better understanding and management of the water-food nexus, which is essential for humanity’s food security and the sustainability of the planet, highlighting the essential role of engineering in this context.