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IEEE Shares Top Tech Trend Predictions for 2025


The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), together with the IEEE Computer Society (CS), recently published its 2025 Top Technology Predictions, identifying five computer science and engineering technologies that are set to have the most significant impact on the global ecosystem.

IEEE reports that its committee evaluated technologies based on the “likelihood of commercial or research success in 2025, impact on humanity, maturity, market adoption, and adoption horizon.” Based on that evaluation, IEEE scored each technology with a letter grade, with A serving as excellent, B as average, and C as low potential in the coming year.

Among the predictions, the committee notes:

  • Companies will seek out ways to efficiently leverage Large Language Model (LLM) deployment.

  • Drone use will expand. In particular, Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) will redefine logistics, agriculture, and disaster response, offering reliable, low-cost solutions with quick turnarounds.

  • Commercial success of AI agents: Businesses will deploy AI agents for a variety of customer service and simplified operational tasks.

  • Evaluation of AI-robotics: Engineers will explore standardized protocols for robot-to-robot communication to assure seamless interaction and collaboration.

  • Wearables will surge across wellness: Wearables are expected to make the transition from pure fitness tracking to early concepts of products for medical-grade monitoring of chronic conditions.

“Each year, the IEEE Computer Society strives to summarize the technology trends driving the future of computer science and engineering through our annual Technology Predictions,” said Dejan Milojicic, IEEE Computer Society Technology Predictions Committee chair, IEEE Fellow, and 2014 IEEE Computer Society president. “The experts who make up our Committee thoroughly examine what’s happening today to ensure the IEEE Computer Society and the larger computer science and engineering community are prepared and can both lead new directions for the field and respond to the opportunities these developments will bring. Advances with these technologies will be reflected in the coming year at our top-ranked industry conferences and peer-reviewed journals.”

Access the findings via IEEE’s press release.