ublished by The New York Times, "The Joy of Standards" by Andrew Russell and Lee Vinsel provides an overview of how the U.S. standardization system came to be and its importance in every industry and segment of society.
Find out more about the growing market for exoskeleton technology and how IEC Standards and conformity assessment are pivotal in ensuring its safe and effective application. Medical applications are a booming area for wearable robotics.Getting r···
This promising area of technology requires standards to thrive – and the IEC has already published many of the key documents needed for it to grow safely and efficiently.The fusion between different areas of technology – which could be described as a form of···
Ever since the first caveman got the idea to keep himself warm in a pelt of woolly mammoth fur, thermal insulation has been an important part of human comfort and survival.Hidden in the walls of our homes, in the sides of our coffee cups, and even in the International Space Station, wherever humans go, we take some form of insulation with us to keep us at just the right temperature.But just because the idea is old do···
SAE International has released an on-demand webcast that examines the ways digital twins are being used in industry for sustainable manufacturing.Advances in computing power and AI are shaping digital product development approaches. Digital twins enable design and engineering teams to explore more design options without the cost associated with the production and testing of physical prototypes, as well as allow real-world data to inform pr···